Phobias and Fears

Sharon had been afraid of spiders since her childhood, even the thought of a spider would send her running out of the house. She didn’t know where her phobia came from, all she knew was her spider phobia was a big problem in her life, stopping her from entering darken rooms and it was even getting to the point where she didn’t want to chance going to her friend’s house – just in case. For Sharon, the biggest problem wasn’t the phobia, but the fact that she was passing her phobia onto her children.

People have phobias and fears for all sorts of things: Spiders, Heights, Exams, Flying, Public Speaking and  Driving. The real question is, how is your phobia affecting your life? How much time does your phobia take up? Is your phobia affecting your relationships? Your Health?

Fast Therapy

Fast Therapy. We have took the best from a range of therapy disciplines including NLP, Hypnotherapy, Solution Focus, Positive Psychology and Life Coaching and made it relevant to overcoming Phobias and Fears, Increasing Confidence and Reducing Anxiety.

The days of having hundreds of hours of therapy to overcome one issue are gone. Behavioral Neuroscience Studies and advancements in therapy disciplines have empowered Fast Therapy Therapist, to get quick long-lasting results.

online coaching

Phobia and Fear Destroyer

For the Phobia and Fear Destroyer sessions you need to be committed to change, once accepted you will attend up to 3 sessions with a guaranteed reduction in your fear or phobic response or your money back.

Cost £369.99 Buy Now and Save £120 This Month Only Buy The Phobia and Fear Destroyer Sessions for Only £249.99

  • Session One – 90 minute session; Initial consultation, Motivation for Change Session and The Fast Phobia Removal Technique
  • Session Two – 60 minute session; Relaxing in Nature, Facing the Phobia
  • Session Three – 60 minute session; Dealing with Confidence, Your New Life Starts Here

* The sessions outline above is an example of the sessions best suited to curing phobias and fears, each session will be tailored to the needs of you and you fear and phobia.

Individual Sessions

Not everyone will require the Phobia and Fear Destroyer package, you can also book individual sessions to remove and reduce your individual phobia and fear.

  • Individual Sessions Was £299.99 Half Price Sale, Only £149.99 Per Session. This Month Only 

Customer Testimonials

“The sessions I received were excellent and were tailored exactly to what I needed after an initial consultation. Following the first session I experienced significant progress, which was surprising considering the extent that my issues were affecting my life. Further sessions built upon this progress and so far I haven’t had the problems that I was previously encountering.

To anyone that is contemplating whether to proceed with therapy I would definitely recommend it, it has made a massive difference for me” Tony Manchester – PTSD Cured in 3 Sessions

I took my 12 year old daughter to visit Chris after her life long fear of people dressed up was starting to control her life, she was so on edge if we went any where different incase there was someone dressed up, by dressed up i mean people in postman pat costumes etc, Pudsey bear charity day was her worse nightmare and resulted in her having to take the day off school. I was told by unhelpful doctors she would ‘grow out of it’ and people saying’ its only a person dressed up’ she was fully aware of that but wasn’t in control of the fear. If she saw someone she would go bright red and wouldn’t be able to get her breath, often crying and shaking, once she turned and ran, luckily there was no traffic coming on the road she ran across. Since seeing Chris, the change in her has been amazing and i can not believe we wasted all these years, and wish we had done it years ago.  We can’t thank Chris enough and would recommend him to anyone, any age – Jane Shaw Northenden, Manchester Cured In One Session

Thank you so much for the session it was dead good I cant believe I actually LIKE cleaning now! life saver! – Oonagh Farrell Manchester – Cleaning Phobia Cured in One Session



One thought on “Phobias and Fears

  1. I’m a professional Actor & had a session with Chris aimed at removing any excess nerves during an audition/interview situation. We focused on replacing negative self beliefs with positive ones & used a variety of different techniques to really bring out my inner-confidence & boost myself up.

    I walked away feeling brilliant & immediately began to see changes take effect. Around a month later, I landed the biggest role of my career to date after an hour long audition which – prior to the session – would have been hampered by anxiety.

    I’d reccomend Chris to anyone looking to overcome simmilar issues. It’s an investment into yourself & one that’s definitely worth taking.

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